Just right-click the disk or share and select "Clean using BlueHarvest", and the resource will be wiped of these annoying files. Trashes folders) from network resources and local disks. Contextual Menu cleaning in addition to automatic cleaningīlueHarvest is a small utility that contains a contextual menu option which allows you to quickly and easily remove the. When viewed from Macs these files usually stay hidden, but in multiplatform environments they can be annoying and will pop up on network shares.

DS_Store files in directories to store window preferences such as size and location, as well as window background information. While utilities can be any tool that helps you perform a routine task (including image manipulation and synchronization), our main focus in this column is to bring you those that help in troubleshooting Mac hardware and software problems.
Our Weekly Utilities Update report is a list of all the updates for many Mac utilities that have been released in the past week.