◾Uneven hair corruption sometimes observed in Assassins Creed Unity when applying "ultra" game settings. ◾Flickering is sometimes observed in Dragon Age: Inquisition on a limited number of surfaces in AMD CrossFire™ configurations.ĪMD is currently working with Ubisoft to resolve the following issues: ini file.ĪMD is currently working with BioWare to resolve the following issues:

As a work around please use "Enable MGPU=1" in the games configuration. ◾: Civilization: Beyond Earth mantle users in AMD CrossFire™ configurations may sometimes experience an issue where they cannot change their game resolution. ◾: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare intermittent black screen when loading game in Quad AMD Crossfire™ configurations. ◾: Assassins Creed Unity can sometimes experience frame stutter on some AMD CrossFire™ configurations. ◾: AMD Radeon™ R9 285 can sometimes exhibit flickering in Assassins Creed Unity. ◾: AMD Radeon™ R9 285 intermittently hangs in Hitman Absolution on new game start. ◾: Slight Battlefield 4 performance drop on AMD Radeon™ R9 290X in AMD CrossFire™ configuration. ◾: Occasional flickering sometimes observed while playing FIFA 2015 in AMD Dual Graphics configurations. ◾: Slight performance drops in FIFA 2015 on AMD CrossFire™ configurations. As a workaround please completely uninstall previous Catalyst™ software versions before installing Catalyst™14.11.2 beta. ◾: System can sometimes hang when upgrading to Catalyst™ 14.11.2 from Catalyst™14.7 in AMD CrossFire™ configurations. ◾: XDMA Quad CrossFire™ configurations in portrait Eyefinity modes sometimes display tearing or stuttering.

◾: Minecraft sometimes produces corruption when changing video settings in windowed mode. ◾: World of Warcraft can sometimes exhibit corruption when using CMAA in AMD CrossFire™ configurations. ◾: Small chance of intermittent screen tearing or corruption in Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare on high settings 4K resolution in AMD CrossFire™ mode.

#1366x768 civilization beyond earth image update
An update is expected on this issue in the near future through an updated game patch or an AMD driver posting. ◾The AMD CrossFire™ profile for Far Cry 4 is currently disabled in this driver while AMD works with Ubisoft to investigate an issue where AMD CrossFire™ configurations are not performing as intended.
#1366x768 civilization beyond earth image drivers
Please make sure to completely uninstall all previous AMD Catalyst™ display drivers before installing the 14.11.2 Beta. ◾All previous versions of AMD Catalyst™ drivers must be completely uninstalled to receive full benefits of this driver. Up to 50% performance increase over Catalyst™ 14.11.1 beta in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled. Up to 5% performance increase over Catalyst™ 14.11.1 beta in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled. ◾Dragon Age: Inquisition performance optimizations Highlights of AMD Catalyst™ 14.11.2 Windows® Beta Driver Performance Improvements